
Character AI: AI-Powered Chat

サービス名 Character AI: AI-Powered Chat

オリジナルID NXGX

ジャンル エンタメ系


内容 Al Chat just got real.

Imagine speaking to super intelligent and life-like chat bot Characters that hear you, understand you, and remember you.

• Millions of user created Characters and voices
Now you can call or text any Character from our library of millions of user-created Characters, or easily create your own. Pair any Character with any voice from our user-created Voice library, or create your own Voice in seconds.

• Human-like interaction
It's like having a real conversation. Seamlessly switch between calling or texting with your Character.

• Personalized help tailored just for you Get homework help, learn a new language, even write a novel... all with the help of the most advanced Al assistants that YOU design.

• Interactive entertainment
The only limit is your imagination! Talk to your favorite Characters, heighten the thrill for RPGS, and thicken the plot for interactive storytelling.

• Free to use
Enjoy unlimited messaging and calls with no ads!

We encourage you to push the frontier of what's possible with this innovative technology.
Welcome to the C.Al community. We're excited to see what you bring to life!

Join us on socials for latest Character.Al

Character Al is powered by our proprietary technology, founded on large language models (LLMs) that we build and develop from scratch.

Please remember that everything Characters say is made up!

料金 Character.AI+(1か月間)

種類 スマホアプリケーション



